

The Perceptron is a simple algorithm for binary classification. It’s a type of linear classifier that makes its predictions based on a linear predictor function combining a set of weights with the feature vector.

Perceptron is used on the dataset which is linearly seperable (line)

Mathematically, the prediction of a Perceptron for an input vector x is given by:

\[y = sign(w.x + b)\]


  • w is the weight vector

  • x is the input vector

  • b is the bias term

  • . denotes the dot product

  • sign The signum function of a real number \({\displaystyle z}\) where \(z = (w.x + b)\)

\[\begin{split} sign(z) = -1 \space \space if \space\space z < 0 \\ sign(z) = 0 \space \space if \space\space z = 0 \\ sign(z) = 1 \space \space if \space\space z > 0 \end{split}\]

The Perceptron learning algorithm works as follows:

  1. Initialize the weight vector w and the bias b to zero.

  2. For each training example \((x, y)\) in our training set, perform the following steps:

    a. Compute the prediction \(y\_hat = sign(w.x + b)\). Here, sign is a function that returns -1 if the input is less than 0, and 1 otherwise.

    b. If the prediction y_hat is incorrect (i.e., y_hat != y), update the weight vector and bias as follows:

    • \(w = w + y * x\)

    • \(b = b + y\)

  3. Repeat step 2 until all training examples are correctly classified, or a maximum number of iterations has been reached.

The algorithm iterates over the training examples, making these updates until all examples are correctly classified, or a maximum number of iterations has been reached. The resulting w and b define a linear decision boundary that can be used to classify new examples.

import numpy as np

# Define a simple binary classification dataset
X = np.array([[-4, 2], [-2, 1], [-1, -1], [2, 2], [1, -2]]) # feature vector
y = np.array([1, 1, -1, -1, -1]) # corresponding labels

# Initialize w and b to zero
w = np.zeros(X.shape[1])
b = 0

# Define the sign function
def sign(x):
    if x > 0:
        return 1
    elif x == 0:
        return 0 
        return -1

# Perceptron learning algorithm
for _ in range(200):  # Limit iterations to prevent infinite loop
    error_count = 0
    for xi, yi in zip(X, y):
        prediction = sign(, xi) + b)
        if prediction != yi:
            w += yi * xi
            b += yi
            error_count += 1
        print(f"Prediction: {prediction}, Actual: {yi}, xi: {xi}, w: {w}, b: {b}")
    if error_count == 0:

print("Final w:", w)
print("Final b:", b)
Prediction: 0, Actual: 1, xi: [-4  2], w: [-4.  2.], b: 1
Prediction: 1, Actual: 1, xi: [-2  1], w: [-4.  2.], b: 1
Prediction: 1, Actual: -1, xi: [-1 -1], w: [-3.  3.], b: 0
Prediction: 0, Actual: -1, xi: [2 2], w: [-5.  1.], b: -1
Prediction: -1, Actual: -1, xi: [ 1 -2], w: [-5.  1.], b: -1
Prediction: 1, Actual: 1, xi: [-4  2], w: [-5.  1.], b: -1
Prediction: 1, Actual: 1, xi: [-2  1], w: [-5.  1.], b: -1
Prediction: 1, Actual: -1, xi: [-1 -1], w: [-4.  2.], b: -2
Prediction: -1, Actual: -1, xi: [2 2], w: [-4.  2.], b: -2
Prediction: -1, Actual: -1, xi: [ 1 -2], w: [-4.  2.], b: -2
Prediction: 1, Actual: 1, xi: [-4  2], w: [-4.  2.], b: -2
Prediction: 1, Actual: 1, xi: [-2  1], w: [-4.  2.], b: -2
Prediction: 0, Actual: -1, xi: [-1 -1], w: [-3.  3.], b: -3
Prediction: -1, Actual: -1, xi: [2 2], w: [-3.  3.], b: -3
Prediction: -1, Actual: -1, xi: [ 1 -2], w: [-3.  3.], b: -3
Prediction: 1, Actual: 1, xi: [-4  2], w: [-3.  3.], b: -3
Prediction: 1, Actual: 1, xi: [-2  1], w: [-3.  3.], b: -3
Prediction: -1, Actual: -1, xi: [-1 -1], w: [-3.  3.], b: -3
Prediction: -1, Actual: -1, xi: [2 2], w: [-3.  3.], b: -3
Prediction: -1, Actual: -1, xi: [ 1 -2], w: [-3.  3.], b: -3
Final w: [-3.  3.]
Final b: -3

In this code, we first define a simple binary classification dataset with four examples. The feature vectors are in X and the corresponding labels are in y. We initialize w and b to zero and define the sign function.

Then we run the Perceptron learning algorithm. For each training example, we compute the prediction using the current w, b and the sign function. If the prediction is incorrect, we update w by adding the product of the label and the feature vector, and we increment b by the label. We count the number of errors made in each iteration.

The algorithm stops when it makes no errors on the training set, or when it has performed a maximum number of iterations (in this case, 100). Finally, we print the learned w and b.

import numpy as np

# Define a simple binary classification dataset
X = np.array([[-1, -1], [1, 0], [-1, 10]]) # feature vector
y = np.array([1, -1, 1]) # corresponding labels

# Initialize w and b to zero
# w = np.zeros(X.shape[1])
w = np.array([-1, -1])
b = 0
mistakes = 0

# Define the sign function
def sign(x):
    if x > 0:
        return 1
    elif x == 0:
        return 0 
        return -1

# Perceptron learning algorithm
for _ in range(200):  # Limit iterations to prevent infinite loop
    error_count = 0
    for xi, yi in zip(X, y):
        prediction = sign(, xi) + b)
        if prediction != yi:
            w += yi * xi
            b += yi
            error_count += 1
            mistakes += 1
        print(f"Prediction: {prediction}, Actual: {yi}, xi: {xi}, w: {w}, b: {b}")
    if error_count == 0:

print("Final w:", w)
print("Final b:", b)
print("Number of mistakes:", mistakes)
Prediction: 1, Actual: 1, xi: [-1 -1], w: [-1 -1], b: 0
Prediction: -1, Actual: -1, xi: [1 0], w: [-1 -1], b: 0
Prediction: -1, Actual: 1, xi: [-1 10], w: [-2  9], b: 1
Prediction: -1, Actual: 1, xi: [-1 -1], w: [-3  8], b: 2
Prediction: -1, Actual: -1, xi: [1 0], w: [-3  8], b: 2
Prediction: 1, Actual: 1, xi: [-1 10], w: [-3  8], b: 2
Prediction: -1, Actual: 1, xi: [-1 -1], w: [-4  7], b: 3
Prediction: -1, Actual: -1, xi: [1 0], w: [-4  7], b: 3
Prediction: 1, Actual: 1, xi: [-1 10], w: [-4  7], b: 3
Prediction: 0, Actual: 1, xi: [-1 -1], w: [-5  6], b: 4
Prediction: -1, Actual: -1, xi: [1 0], w: [-5  6], b: 4
Prediction: 1, Actual: 1, xi: [-1 10], w: [-5  6], b: 4
Prediction: 1, Actual: 1, xi: [-1 -1], w: [-5  6], b: 4
Prediction: -1, Actual: -1, xi: [1 0], w: [-5  6], b: 4
Prediction: 1, Actual: 1, xi: [-1 10], w: [-5  6], b: 4
Final w: [-5  6]
Final b: 4
Number of mistakes: 4